The leadership of the Soviet-Russo and the Russian Federation Reveals a Similar Template

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The leadership of the Soviet-Russo and the Russian Federation Reveals a Similar Template, when over lapped they are both abominable idolatry.

The resurgence of authoritarianism and an obstinate wilfulness to use military force as a ramrod to fulfill their leader’s desires, internally and externally, across borders to neighbors’ territory.  

One of the most notable examples of the pattern started with the Bolsheviks in 1917. Because the Bolsheviks, with the rebel/anarchist Russians, managed to overthrow the Russian Monarchy and defeat the Russian Monarchists in a Russian Civil War.  A war between the Bolsheviks and the Russian Monarchist that lasted from 7 November 1917 – 16 June 1923.

Casualties between 7,000,000–12,000,000 total, including civilians and non-combatants and 1–2 million refugees outside Russia.

What has been the legacy of the Bolsheviks in Russia for some 102 years?  Simply put, CRIME DOES PAY WELL.

Josef Stalin was the number one Bolshevik in his philosophy and worldview, according to Karl Marx’s Dialectic Materialism worldview. Karl Marx justified to the Bolsheviks in Russia that the overthrow of the Russian Monarchy was legitimate. And it also provided a philosophy that freed violence and anarchy from any moral responsibility.

Soviet Satanic Union was built upon the Karl Marx philosophy, atheism, and a world crusade for Global communism. Communism was an anti-Bible and anti-God movement. The Soviet Satanic Union Communism was a diabolical brew concocted in the deep dungeons of Satan’s domain.

 The Soviet Satanic Union communists took the liberty to destroy church buildings, burn holy books and bibles, imprison believers, torture, enslave, and murder the loyal Saints of God.

Why did the leaders of the Soviet Satanic Union do the deeds that they did?

Because they were conceited with the delusional philosophies and worldviews of Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a Satanist.  There are books about Karl Marx being a satanist and YouTube videos about it.

Russian people have glorified Josef Stalin as a Soviet-Russo national hero. Why would the Russians do that? The people of Germany or the Nordic countries do not glorify Adolf Hitler as a hero. Why do the Russian people glorify Josef Stalin as a national hero?  Because they do not know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Russian Orthodox Church leaders do not know the God of the Bible. How do we know that?  

We know that because the Russian orthodox church submitted itself to the service of Josef Stalin from 1922 to 1953. Similarly, with Russian President Putin, the Russian Orthodox Church has supported Putin’s military intervention in Syria, attacking and killing innocent civilians.

Why would Putin send the Russian military to Syria? Because it was a soft target. Like the Soviet Satanic Union, they would attack countries when their odds were in favor 100:1. 

The smaller the country, the easier it was for the USSR to subjugate the people and government to the Soviet Satanic Union. For example, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia. A country with a population of 3 million, 2 million, etc. Russians are often likened to schoolyard bullies. Bigger boys were picking on the more minor boys in the schoolyard.

Russian history from 1917 to 2023, what is the pattern that reveals the human nature of the Russian leaders?  Compared to other countries in the world.

The other countries have done a lot of good for humanity and helped create modern technology. What has been driving the Russian leadership since around 2010?

Bullies Crusade to Steal Kill and Destroy

It may be alluding to the weakness of the Russian leadership. Meaning that because they don’t have the smarts for national leadership, so they resort to stealing.

For example, if a sportsperson is morally corrupted and has ambitions to make a name for themselves. And if the competition is tough, instead of settling for a second or a third price, they want the first place, regardless of how they get it. So, they may cheat to get the first price.

What is causing the corruption in the human soul?

They most likely have erroneous worldviews. And a false philosophy. The Jewish Holy Scriptures are about 4000 years old. The Holy Bible teaches what a TRUE WORLDVIEW is. And how to get it. A true worldview is based on the Creator of Life perspective. “In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth”. Genesis 1:1.  

Human beings do not have the liberty to make up their philosophies and worldview, especially the Karl Marx philosophies and the ones that Soviet-Russo leaders have adopted.

The Soviet Russo Worldview is a false worldview. It was idolatry. Stalin’s personality cult is also an abomination because he murdered millions of innocent civilians and persecuted the true saints of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 24, 2022, a move that Russian president Vladimir Putin seemed all too willing to capitalize on.

After nearly two years of heightened tensions between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, Russian military forces crossed the internationally recognized order of Ukraine at two points in the Crimea region. This was followed by a rapid buildup of forces in the region, as well as the establishment of several military bases.

The Human Cost of the War in Donbass

The War in Donbass had a significant human cost. Over 490 days of war, nearly 17,000 people perished and over four million citizens were forced to flee their homes. In addition, the Ukrainian economy suffered significantly from sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States. These punitive measures were in response to the Russian Federation allegedly violating international law by invading the sovereign nation of Ukraine and annexing Crimea.

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