Food nutrition energy

Food nutrition energy

Food nutrition energy is the vital cause and effect trio in food consumption. What is nutrition? Nutrition can have many definitions. Generally, it is practice or science of eating and utilizing food materials. Every individual has food requirements, and this usually depends on the age group where he/she belongs.

Food nutrition energy
Young happy woman doing fitness exercises with fit ball at home

With the advancements in genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology, nutrition is now focused on biochemical sequences or the steps as to how substances ingested in the body are transformed. Nutrition is also about following a healthy diet to lessen or prevent diseases or other health conditions. It also studies how dietary factors like food allergies and malnutrition can cause certain diseases.

Oftentimes, nutrition is used interchangeably with diet but there are notable differences. For one, nutrition is more of the study of food nutrients and how the body uses the latter to achieve optimum health and fight diseases.

It is a known fact that if you want to have a healthy body, you have to eat foods with sufficient nutrients. Metabolism processes the nutrients from foods and distributes it in the different parts of the body. These nutrients are also known to aid in the proper functioning of the different body systems.

Food nutrition energy break down

There are seven groups of nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy, and this includes the following:

1. Carbohydrates – a lot of people think that carbohydrates are not good for the body. Well, this is a common misconception. In fact, the body needs healthy carbs for optimum health. You need to consume more of complex carbohydrates instead of the simple carbs. More fruit and berries, multicolored vegetables, whole grain health breads, brown rice and lentils and also; almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts and other.

2. Fats – like carbohydrates, fats also has a bad reputation. However, the body needs fats but you have to consume the ones that are beneficial to your health. You need to avoid saturated and trans-fats, and instead eat more of unsaturated fats. The latter helps in fighting high cholesterol.

Quote: Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids: They are necessary for human health but the body can’ t make them — you have to get them through food. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, other seafood including algae and krill, some plants, and nut oils. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development. They have also become popular because they may reduce the risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (particularly fatty fish such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon) at least 2 times a week. – www.Live

3. Minerals – among the common minerals that your body needs are magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, chloride, iron, zinc, and iodine. Minerals are needed by the body to support biochemical functions.

4. Protein – you need to consume proteins since it is the base of the different systems in the body. Essential amino acids are vital for optimum functioning of the body, so make sure that you eat enough protein servings every day.
Seafood is an excellent source of protein, and fish like salmon. Also eggs, white lean meats, milk cheese and yogurt, beans, soy and lean red meat.

Your protein dose for the day could be from good quality muesli, boiled eggs, butter, rye bread, milk and cheese at the breakfast table.
Morning snack could be some fresh fruits, or dried fruits, e.g.apricots, figs, dates, sultanas, currants, bilberry,strawberry, and more.
At lunch time menu could be a fresh garden salad with a small tinned fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mussels, oysters).
Afternoon snack could be one cup of that high quality muesli (un toasted) from the breakfast table. The one that contains dried fruits, seeds, nuts, quality oats, and more.
And for dinner a good protein source could be e.g. anything form lentils (30% of the lentil calories from protein, lentils have the third-highest level of protein in beans), after soybean and hemp.
Also a bean salad from a buffet table, or it could be grilled lean red meat, white meat or fish. Almonds and walnuts also contain protein, and also high in calories, try to eat only 5-10 at a time, once a day, or every second day.
Late at evening, whether resting and relaxing or wroking and researching, i would recommend green tea or herbal tea with a tablespoon of honey. And if there is a big work load to catch up with then a quick pick up boost for the mind is possible from a favourite black coffee and a row of a dark chocolate slab.

5. Vitamins – for optimum health, your body needs vitamin compounds which include ascorbic acid, biotin, calciferol, folic acid, retinol, riboflavin, thiamine, tocopherol, pantothenic acid, phylloquinone, pyridoxine, niacin, and vitamin B12.

6. Water – make sure that you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water for optimum health, it also contains minerals. New born babies are about 78% water, one year age a bit less, 65%, adult male about 60%, and female adult 55% on average. So it becomes apparent that the human body likes to be absorbed with water, needs water and drinks water, so make sure that you learn the habit of drinking lots of clean fresh water daily, from the moment of waking up in the morning, to the moment of going to back to bed to sleep.

There are five types of bottled water:
artesian water, spring water, mineral water, sparking mineral water and purified water.
Bottled water labeled “mineral water” must contain no less than 250 parts per million of dissolved solids, and cannot have added minerals. Some mineral waters, especially European varieties, have higher concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Check the nutrition label to be sure of their mineral content.

7. Fiber – the digestive system is able to absorb fiber fully. This is necessary for maintaining the health of your digestive system. This also helps in fighting diarrhea and constipation, as well as colon cancer. Some of the advantages of consuming fiber are the production of healthful compounds during the fermentation of soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber’s ability to absorb and increase bulk, soften stool, and shorten transit time through the intestinal tract.

Now that you know the answer to the question – what is nutrition, you will be able to maintain a healthy body. Living a healthy lifestyle is essential for all people of all ages. And if you put your will, mind and heart to it, you can accomplish healthy eating habits, every day that contains these essential nutrients. I know that with budget constraints, it may not always be possible, this is an important topic, that i will write an article about soon. The next article topic is; The Brain and the Body Connection.

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