Benefits of Exercising your Brain

Benefits of Exercising your Brain should be a priority in learning, right?  It is like asking what is the benefit of the force of gravity for your muscles?  Everything is the right answer. Without any activities of the brain it would dive deep into passivity, and most likely never to recover. There is no brain if the brain has now processing functions and exercises to do.

Benefits of Exercising your Brain
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Benefits of Exercising your Brain explained

You may have heard plenty about the fact that you should exercise your brain. There are many benefits of doing so that you need to be aware of. When you have all of the facts you will likely be more motivated to take part in such activities. First of all exercising your brain keeps it healthy. This is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your brain and to help stimulate it at the same time.

Stress is a huge problem for many people, and it affects the brain in many negative ways. While we can’t get rid of all the stress in our lives, most of us can use exercising our brain to reduce a great deal of it. As a person gets older it is natural for their cognitive abilities to decrease. This isn’t something that any of us really want to admit but it is true.

Benefits of exercising your brain is long term

However, you can help to keep your mind sharp by keeping it active. Experts have proven the brain has the ability to continue learning and changing no matter how old you happen to be. That means it doesn’t matter what you have been doing up to right now – you have the power to make your brain activity better than ever.

Benefits of exercising your brain will retension and focus

Do you sometimes find it hard to pay attention to what is going on around you? Perhaps you read a chapter in a book but at the end of it you don’t remember many of the details about it at all? This is because your brain is having a hard time focusing on what you are doing. People that multi task all the time find that when they do want to concentrate on one thing it is almost impossible. They have programmed their brain to take on many things at one time.

Benefits of Exercising your Brain
A word cloud concept around the word Education with great terms such as degree, diploma, university, reading and more.

By engaging in various types of exercise for the brain though you will be able to focus your attention on it. This is a valuable skill that you will be able to use for many aspects of your life as well. It can be hard at first so don’t give in to frustration. Simply remind yourself of what you are going to accomplish once you get passed these hurdles.

As you work on exercising your brain, you will notice that your processing speed improves as well. It won’t take you as long as it once did to complete certain tasks. You will find you comprehend materials you read the first time so you don’t have to read them again. Things that you struggled with in the past may seem as if someone flicked a light switch because now you can see it all very clearly.

It really is important to exercise your brain so that you can keep all of these benefits. You don’t want to lose the skills you already have so keep them sharp. Strive to learn more as you get older because there is plenty out there in this world for you to understand. If there are many things you wish to explore, make a list of them. Find ways to learn them as you exercise your brain so that you will get twice the benefit from your efforts.

In not time at all you are going to notice some significant changes in your thought process. You are going to remember more, process information faster, and be able to focus your attention where it should be. All of these benefits are going to make your life more enjoyable regardless of what you take part in.

Benefits of exercising your brain for the future work career sake

Now that you are aware of the many great benefits of exercising your brain, I hope you will find some activities to take part in. You can do many of them alone at home or you can play games online. There are many that you can do with someone else too. The key is to find plenty of brain exercises that you find intriguing. Then make a commitment to do them often.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Benefits of Exercising your Brain article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.

Barbeque: An American Tradition

Barbeque: An American Tradition

No matter if it is the 4th of July, or just another day in the summer, chances are someone in your area is having a BBQ. Barbeque has become a standard American tradition for families. The reason as clear as to why, not only does the food that comes from bbq has a taste that is unmatched by other cooking methods, but bbq presents a reason for families to gather together. Some on my most memorial experiences happened outdoors at one of my families many get-together.

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Planning A Barbeque

First, no barbeque would be complete without guests and proper outdoors weather. Plan ahead of time, checking with your potential guests for scheduling conflicts and issues. Finding a date and time that is suitable for everyone should not be to hard as long as you everyone enough advanced notice. Alternatively, be sure to check the weather for that type of year. If you live in a climate that cannot be predicted, then you may want to have a backup plan just incase unusual weather comes. You cannot predict things like rain and thunderstorms ahead of time, but you can make sure that you hold you barbeque during the time of year that will be pleasant to your guests. A barbeque in cold weather may hold more negative memories of trying to keep warm rather then good memories of family and friends.


Barbeque has been around since early cavemen figured out that food tasted great after being cooked on an open fire. Perhaps one of the main memories attached to a family barbeque is what was on the menu that day. Barbeque opens a whole array of types of foods available. The type of foods you serve should largely depend on your crowd and the event in which you are celebrating. With the wide range of possibilities, you are sure to find at least a few items that will please your crowd.

Make sure that you prepare ahead for your barbeque. 12 to 24 hours before you plan on beginning the party, make sure to thaw, prepare, and marinate the meat you will be cooking. Once you have the meat stored away, soaking up the marinate, then you must start thinking about what types of side dishes you will be having. If you want a completely tradition barbeque, you may want to stick with traditional sizes. Traditional barbeque sides include potatoes and potato salad, baked beans, and coleslaw. Your traditional condiment bar should include pickles, relish, and onions. These foods are typically severed at barbeques because they are easy to prepare and store until the event happens. You may want to cook other items, but any barbeque is complete with just the items listed above.

Barbeque for a festival or event with a theme

A themed barbeque may present more opportunities to hold a festive event. With a themed event, you can splurge on the atmosphere and decorations. Matching tablecloths, napkins, and plates can be found at any local store. You can also match your décor to the party. For example, a luau could simply be creative colored utensils, leis, and Tiki torches, all of which are extremely cheap. You can even reuse the Tiki torches later!

Your party area should be set up before guest arrive. It only takes a few minutes to get everything ready, but the reaction you get from your arriving guests may make you feel like you were preparing and decorating all day. Depending on the situation, you may or may not want to have the food already cooking on the grill. The smell will surely be inviting if you start cooking ahead!

Thank you fro visiting  and reading up on this Barbeque: An American Tradition article post.  I hope it was informative, helpful and useful.  Pleas do share this web site link with your friends, thanks.

Food nutrition energy

Food nutrition energy

Food nutrition energy is the vital cause and effect trio in food consumption. What is nutrition? Nutrition can have many definitions. Generally, it is practice or science of eating and utilizing food materials. Every individual has food requirements, and this usually depends on the age group where he/she belongs.

Food nutrition energy
Young happy woman doing fitness exercises with fit ball at home

With the advancements in genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology, nutrition is now focused on biochemical sequences or the steps as to how substances ingested in the body are transformed. Nutrition is also about following a healthy diet to lessen or prevent diseases or other health conditions. It also studies how dietary factors like food allergies and malnutrition can cause certain diseases.

Oftentimes, nutrition is used interchangeably with diet but there are notable differences. For one, nutrition is more of the study of food nutrients and how the body uses the latter to achieve optimum health and fight diseases.

It is a known fact that if you want to have a healthy body, you have to eat foods with sufficient nutrients. Metabolism processes the nutrients from foods and distributes it in the different parts of the body. These nutrients are also known to aid in the proper functioning of the different body systems.

Food nutrition energy break down

There are seven groups of nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy, and this includes the following:

1. Carbohydrates – a lot of people think that carbohydrates are not good for the body. Well, this is a common misconception. In fact, the body needs healthy carbs for optimum health. You need to consume more of complex carbohydrates instead of the simple carbs. More fruit and berries, multicolored vegetables, whole grain health breads, brown rice and lentils and also; almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts and other.

2. Fats – like carbohydrates, fats also has a bad reputation. However, the body needs fats but you have to consume the ones that are beneficial to your health. You need to avoid saturated and trans-fats, and instead eat more of unsaturated fats. The latter helps in fighting high cholesterol.

Quote: Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids: They are necessary for human health but the body can’ t make them — you have to get them through food. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, other seafood including algae and krill, some plants, and nut oils. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development. They have also become popular because they may reduce the risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (particularly fatty fish such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon) at least 2 times a week. – www.Live

3. Minerals – among the common minerals that your body needs are magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, chloride, iron, zinc, and iodine. Minerals are needed by the body to support biochemical functions.

4. Protein – you need to consume proteins since it is the base of the different systems in the body. Essential amino acids are vital for optimum functioning of the body, so make sure that you eat enough protein servings every day.
Seafood is an excellent source of protein, and fish like salmon. Also eggs, white lean meats, milk cheese and yogurt, beans, soy and lean red meat.

Your protein dose for the day could be from good quality muesli, boiled eggs, butter, rye bread, milk and cheese at the breakfast table.
Morning snack could be some fresh fruits, or dried fruits, e.g.apricots, figs, dates, sultanas, currants, bilberry,strawberry, and more.
At lunch time menu could be a fresh garden salad with a small tinned fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mussels, oysters).
Afternoon snack could be one cup of that high quality muesli (un toasted) from the breakfast table. The one that contains dried fruits, seeds, nuts, quality oats, and more.
And for dinner a good protein source could be e.g. anything form lentils (30% of the lentil calories from protein, lentils have the third-highest level of protein in beans), after soybean and hemp.
Also a bean salad from a buffet table, or it could be grilled lean red meat, white meat or fish. Almonds and walnuts also contain protein, and also high in calories, try to eat only 5-10 at a time, once a day, or every second day.
Late at evening, whether resting and relaxing or wroking and researching, i would recommend green tea or herbal tea with a tablespoon of honey. And if there is a big work load to catch up with then a quick pick up boost for the mind is possible from a favourite black coffee and a row of a dark chocolate slab.

5. Vitamins – for optimum health, your body needs vitamin compounds which include ascorbic acid, biotin, calciferol, folic acid, retinol, riboflavin, thiamine, tocopherol, pantothenic acid, phylloquinone, pyridoxine, niacin, and vitamin B12.

6. Water – make sure that you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water for optimum health, it also contains minerals. New born babies are about 78% water, one year age a bit less, 65%, adult male about 60%, and female adult 55% on average. So it becomes apparent that the human body likes to be absorbed with water, needs water and drinks water, so make sure that you learn the habit of drinking lots of clean fresh water daily, from the moment of waking up in the morning, to the moment of going to back to bed to sleep.

There are five types of bottled water:
artesian water, spring water, mineral water, sparking mineral water and purified water.
Bottled water labeled “mineral water” must contain no less than 250 parts per million of dissolved solids, and cannot have added minerals. Some mineral waters, especially European varieties, have higher concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Check the nutrition label to be sure of their mineral content.

7. Fiber – the digestive system is able to absorb fiber fully. This is necessary for maintaining the health of your digestive system. This also helps in fighting diarrhea and constipation, as well as colon cancer. Some of the advantages of consuming fiber are the production of healthful compounds during the fermentation of soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber’s ability to absorb and increase bulk, soften stool, and shorten transit time through the intestinal tract.

Now that you know the answer to the question – what is nutrition, you will be able to maintain a healthy body. Living a healthy lifestyle is essential for all people of all ages. And if you put your will, mind and heart to it, you can accomplish healthy eating habits, every day that contains these essential nutrients. I know that with budget constraints, it may not always be possible, this is an important topic, that i will write an article about soon. The next article topic is; The Brain and the Body Connection.

Thank you fro visiting and reading up on Food nutrition energy article. I hope this was informative, helpful and useful to you.  Please do share the web site link with your friends, thanks.

Role of Enzymes in digestion

Role of Enzymes in digestion – A comprehensive guide.

Role of Enzymes in digestion is a scientific approach to thinking about food and nutrition.  The cause of hunger and needing to eat food, and the effect of consuming food and nutrition.  Have you ever thought about how your body actually breaks down the food and absorbs all the essential nutrients? Chances are that you would’t have. Actually you don’t need to, as long as everything is fine with your body. However, you can surely optimize the digestive processes of your body by gaining some knowledge about its working. In digestion, enzymes play one of the most pivotal roles. You may be familiar with them, if you have suffered from ingestion in the past. If you remember, doctors usually recommend digestive enzymes to overcome indigestion. Enzymes are required for the digestion of everything you eat, whether they are fats, proteins or carbohydrates. Let’s try to understand what Enzymes in digestion are and how these enzymes function inside our body.

Role of Enzymes in digestion
Fresh fruit plate display.

What exactly are the digestive enzymes?

Enzymes in digestion are essentially the bio catalysts that breakdown the larger food particles into small blocks, to make it easier for our body to absorb them. In scientific terms, the bigger molecules are called polymeric macro molecules. The surprising part is that most of the raw fruits and vegetables contain a substantial amount of digestive enzymes that get destroyed once we cook that food. Therefore, it’s often advisable to eat uncooked, raw food to enhance your digestive powers.
How digestive enzymes function?

Role of Enzymes in digestion of food in everyday life?

The functioning of Enzymes in digestion is nothing less than extraordinary. As soon as the food enters in the digestive track, our brain signals the specific glands to release the digestive enzymes. It’s worth mentioning that there are different types of Enzymes in digestion for different types of nutrients. For instance, for the breakdown of protein particles, the enzymes required are; Pro-teases and pesticides. Normally the protein digestion enzymes work better in acidic medium. Therefore, as soon as these enzymes are released by the respective glands, the inner lining of our digestive track releases the hydrochloric acid, to provide a favorable environment for these enzymes to function. These Enzymes in digestion break down the protein particles into amino acids, which are then absorbed into our blood stream.

Role of Enzymes in digestion of carbohydrates for energy

The second most important macro nutrient that we require is the carbohydrates. The process of breakdown of carbohydrates starts right at your mouth itself. Salivary amylase, which is one of the special type of Enzymes in digestion released by the salivary glands, break down the carbohydrates into starch and sugars. When starch and sugar enter in our small intestine, they again broken down into stiller small particles called glucose with the help of the enzyme called Gastric amylase. This is one of the most influential Enzymes in digestion as glucose is the main source of energy and without this, our body can’t even function.

The third most vital nutrients required by our body are the fats. Most of the digestion of fats takes place in the small intestine. Steapsina, one of the most important Enzymes in digestion that is released by our pancreatic glands, is responsible for the conversion of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. Now, these fatty acids can be mono-saturated fatty acids or poly-saturated fatty acids, depending on their source. For instance; the fats from the EFA’s, such as omega-3 and omega-6, releases mono-saturated fatty acids while one the other hand, fats from the saturated&; oils contain poly-saturated fatty acids. There is another digestive enzyme that acts on the fatty acids, called intestinal lipase.

Once all the Enzymes in digestion accomplish their purpose successfully, the nutrients are ready to get absorbed by the inner lining of our small intestine, to finally enter in our blood stream.
The next article title will be; What is Nutrition? what, where and when, and how to master it in our day to day life.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Role of Enzymes in digestion article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.

Which food is good

Which food is good for the brain

Which food is good for the brain is an important question to consider when planing your next grocery list. Food should be primarily for nutrition and energy, long lasting energy that powers one on from the early morning down to the late evening. Meaning that there are several well planned meals per day, and even some fruit snacks during the day between meal times.

Which food is good
Woman holding a human brain model against white background

Which food is good for the brain is a profound question, which leads to another important question; what is the brain after all?

For most people it is the central processing unit that they consciously benefit from daily. Most of the vital human internal functions of the organs run on autopilot, monitored and controlled from the central brain, whether they are partially aware of it or not.

The brain is located in a central top position, protected by the skull, surrounded by three of the human senses; sight, hearing, and scent. It consists of the fore-brain, mid-brain, hind-brain, spinal cord, and cerebral vasculature.

The brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds in adults); the brain consists of three main structures:
1. The cerebrum
2. The cerebellum
3. The brain stem

The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and the spinal cord, immersed in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). If you take 1.4 liters of water in a container, and consider how much it feels by holding it in your arms, I think you would agree that it is surprisingly heavy. The weight of the average human brain only accounts for about 2% of the total body weight; however, 18 % of the total body blood volume circulates in the brain. The increases of the brain blood flow are rarely more than 5 % to 10%.

Which food is good for the brain and how much energy

The brain uses about 20% of the oxygen absorbed by the lungs, and represents 20% of the overall energy consumption when the body is at rest, therefore continuously using a considerable amount of energy.

When the body is scientifically optimized with essential nutrients and fuel, the brain is able to do its work on autopilot, i.e., to monitor and control the vital systems and organs more efficiently. A vast difference can exist between what is scientifically optimized and what people “feel like eating.” For many, when they are hungry, they eat what they see in their favorite grocery store aisle, or what looks good on a restaurant menu. And, perhaps busy working people and students only eat when they are conscious of being hungry.

The seven nutrient group types are:
• Carbohydrate
• Fat
• Protein
• Fiber
• Water
• Minerals
• Vitamins

Watch this YouTube video from here. —> What is nutrition.

The process of eating is to consume food into your body, to use the raw materials for growth, fuel for energy, and the essential vitamins and minerals for healthy living. For most people, this is not a problem, because they grew up in an environment where healthy food was plentiful, and their parents were educated and knowledgeable about the importance of the different types of nutrients. What better place to be fed well and pampered than at home by loving parents…parents who say what and how much to eat, how much to exercise, when it’s time to go to sleep and get up…strict rules in most cases.

So, the central processing unit of the young person is fully catered to and running smoothly; the knowledge base is constantly growing and expanding with new links of understanding being formed continuously.
In this kind of ideal environment, the young person has an experience, and habits are formed based on good, healthy nutrition, and how it positively affects his or her state of being.

We don’t fully understand how the brain does what it does; neuron scientists would have a much better understanding than the general public.

Researchers are aware of many concepts; for example, neuron plasticity, developmental adjustment, synaptic pruning, and observation of change (evolution). This is similar to the human body, which is able to adjust to the environment and to the role that it is asked to play.

The brain can be a dynamic tool–sharp as a razor–a central, intelligent, observing center of the environment, a connected mind of human compassion and love. However, feeding it with food and the essential nutrients is not enough to ensure a healthy brain; the brain has to be trained to think, calculate, and perform. Like a working engine, it has to be fed fuel, essential fats, and oils; rested and serviced; maintained and respected.

Which food is good for the brain and why should we care?

Technology is a tool with which humans have worked, as they have adopted new structures and organizations to their mammal-like brains, as well as discovering science, learning and education, and other noble passions. Humans yearn for sensible order, predictability, and security with a fervent passion. The logical reason for this is that they are conscious beings with the brain’s ability to adapt quickly, solve problems, and improve their lot, often in the face of hostile environments, external threats, illness, and disease. Also, because of the linear nature of finite time and space, their survival often depends on their creative brain to come up with a solution to a problem.

The role of technology has had possibly the most profound impact on the human brain in a positive sense. The brain created new ideas, which in turn enabled new tools of technology, which, once implemented, formed a new environment. The brain was then busy adapting to the physiological changes of the new environment. From the initial discovery of using the fireplace to cook food, to the modern computerized study of food and nutrition, information and education has a profound effect on society at large

Thank you fro visiting, and reading up on this important article on food and nutrition.  I hope the article was informative, helpful and useful. Please do share the website link with your friends, thank you.

The next post will be about the importance of food digestion, and what role Enzymes play in Digestion.